“The True Light” – The Good News 12-14-14

“The True Light” – The Good News 12-14-14

John 1:9 “The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the word”

When I read this scripture, the text just jumps off the page!  Have you ever had one of those moments?  The word gospel means “good news”, and that is exactly what this is!

We are currently in the advent season.  This season is a season for preparation.  The biggest preparation of all is to prepare our hearts for Jesus, the true light, as Christmas is the day we celebrate his birth.  Are we ready for him?

In preparation of the coming of Christ, it is good to reflect on one’s demeanor.  Do I really accept the goodness of Christ?  Do I take time for the poor?  Do I forgive those who have hurt me or am I stuck in my own sense of justice?  Jesus the greatest king to ever walk the face of the earth is king of all people, he does not exclude anybody.  Am I really ready to love like Jesus?  The first step towards enlightenment is awareness.  When I answer these questions honestly, I know I most open my heart more to Jesus so that I can live in the true light!

Lord Jesus, help me to love like you do.  Amen.

Derek Gazal



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